On Sunday, January 15th my brother in law picked me up and we headed off to get his friend and run the WOB 5K. If you knew my BIL, you would realize that he was 100% behind this effort to raise money for the WOB charity fund. I had told him I wanted to go the Wednesday before....while it was warm! We had a cold front come though this weekend and I was no longer interested in getting up early and having my nose run along with my feet. Sigh, what to do? I decided that if my super spastic BIL forgot I said anything, that I would happily not remind him. But he did, and showed up at the house looking like he just crawled out of bed - bare feet and all! (I later found out he did indeed just jump out of the bed!).
We got to WOB about 30-45 minutes before the race started. I was dressed in a tank, long sleeve shirt, and light jacket, along with long thicker running tights and my Ghost 4s, and my black running cap! When we started the run, it was a bit snug weaving through the crowd to find space for a pace. I was behind the two I came with for the first mile, just jogging/getting warmed up. At Mile 1, my BIL's friend walked for her first walk to catch a breath and he stayed with her, but I ran ahead feeling pretty good. I ran the entire 5K literally holding the stupid earphones in my ear. I borrowed them from my boy on the way out the door because I couldn't find mine. They SUCKED! But I was determined to listen to my tunes after I stayed up late to install Google Music and setting up my running playlist!
The run was pretty, the course started and ended at The Shoppes and was an out and back to the big square fountain. You would have to know the area to understand the course and how pretty it was. There was a good turn out for it, people on every corner to direct traffic, lots of cheering. I haven't ran a 5K in a while, and it seemed really short to me. You know what that means! haha -- I haven't ran hard enough :P
A full breakfast was catered and handed out at the home base beginning at 10am (the race started at 9), and the free beer line was hopping when I finished the race - I am sure it started up when the first runner came back in 18 minutes after the start! Wow, that is fast. Just a quick word at this point, it was extremely congested at the beer line/food line/result posting area. Hopefully a lesson was learned this year and if we are lucky enough for this awesome race to be repeated, these 3 major areas of post race popularity will be separated in the future.
So, my time ended up being not my greatest time ever, but met my goal of beating the time from my last 5K which was actually running/walking injured. WOB5K time: 31:47.8 10:15
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